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Frequently asked Sora questions

Here are the answers to all of the most recent questions on Sora.

What is Sora?
Sora is a platform that allows you to create AI-generated videos.
How do I create a video?
Sora is currently in private beta. We will inform you when OpenAI launches the platform.
Where can I watch Sora videos?
You can watch Sora videos on our website, go our main page, there is a feed of videos with the latest releases.
What is Sora Creators?
Sora Creators is a platform that showcases the best AI-generated videos on the internet. Sora is paving the way for the future of content creation, we believe AI-generated videos will create a whole new genre of art and entertainment. We are building a community of creators and viewers who are passionate about AI-generated videos. We are excited to see what the future holds for this new medium.
How do I become a Sora Creator?
You can become a Sora Creator by signing up on our website. Once you have signed up, we will review your application and let you know if you have been accepted. Currently, with Sora being in private beta, we are only accepting creators who already have access to Sora's models.
Can I download the videos on
Yes, you can download the videos on We believe that creators should have the freedom to use their videos however they want. We encourage creators to share their videos on social media, embed them on their websites, or use them to create video montages and remixes.
Where can I find a list of all Sora Creators?
You can find a list of all Sora Creators on our website. Head over to the creators page to see all of the creators who are part of the Sora community.