Trisha Code's AI Model Stack

Powering next-generation content with 3 cutting-edge AI models

Dream Machine by Luma AI Logo Dream Machine by Luma AI AI 2 videos

Fake History

Fake History

TNT Trick or Treat

TNT Trick or Treat

Kling AI Logo Kling AI AI 6 videos

Put it back

Put it back

Dwight and Whitsby discuss rider

Dwight and Whitsby discuss rider

Had a fight

Had a fight

TNT Trick or Treat

TNT Trick or Treat

Pink Chicken House

Pink Chicken House

Happy Caturday to all the hard working cats out there

Happy Caturday to all the hard working cats out there

Hailuo AI Logo Hailuo AI AI 6 videos

Kate Bush

Kate Bush

Artificial Fails

Artificial Fails

Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?

Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?

I love Modular Synths

I love Modular Synths

Just messing around on my bass guitar

Just messing around on my bass guitar

Here's some Cat kung Fu

Here's some Cat kung Fu

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